Feb 25, 2022
How did civilizations originally justify charging interest on money? How does raising interest rates slow/lower inflation? Do banks lose money if they lend money at less than inflation? What does the term usury mean? Why is interest banned in Islamic finance? How come people don't borrow from low-interest rate countries...
Feb 18, 2022
How long has doping been a problem? What does doping have to do with the word beserk? Who was the first person to get disqualified for doping and what did he take (the answer may surprise you)? Why is it so hard to detect? How did Lance Armstrong get away with it for so long? Why isn’t caffeine on the banned list?
Feb 11, 2022
Why is the word sanction an autoantonym? What does imposing sanctions on another country actually do? How has Cuba been able to live with sanctions for so long? Why do we not have red pistachios in the US?
... we explain like I'm five
Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users...
Feb 4, 2022
How long does it take for water you drink to get to your bladder? If you drink more than your bladder can hold, what does your body do with the surplus liquid? How much liquid does the average bladder hold? If you need to pee, and you drink more water, why does the urge get stronger right away? What is shy bladder? What...