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ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast

Oct 28, 2022

Why do "bad smells" like smoke and rotting food appear to linger longer and are harder to neutralize than "good smells" like flowers or perfume? Why is the smell of garlic so hard to get rid of? Why does airplane food universally taste bad? How do our genetics affect our sense of smell and taste with herbs like cilantro...

Oct 21, 2022

Why do European trucks have their engine below the driver compared to US trucks which have the engine in front of the driver? What are the weightstations on US interstates used for? Is Optimus Prime European or American?

... we explain like I'm five

Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the...

Oct 14, 2022

How do ants deal with raindrops? Why don’t they hurt or drown them? How do ants cling to a surface so well that blowing at them hard doesn't budge them, even if the surface is somewhat smooth?  How do queen ants get so big?

... we explain like I'm five

Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in...

Oct 7, 2022

Why is the discovery of e=mc^2 such a big deal? How important was it really? In what way did it make smartphones possible? What was special about the way Einstein was taught algebra? Why do we always think of the iconic photo of Einstein with his tongue out?

... we explain like I'm five

Thank you to the...