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ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast

Sep 25, 2020

How does the body get vitamin D from the sun? Why is vitamin D not actually a vitamin? Why do we need it? What foods are high in vitamin D? What happens if we get too much? Why are there so many types of vitamin B (e.g. B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, etc), but only one type of some other vitamins (such as C and D)?


... We...

Sep 18, 2020

Why do we forget our dreams in the mornings? Why is it so hard to run in our dreams? Why is it explained by proprioceptive feedback? How come kids can't control peeing in their sleep the way adults can? Does putting someone's hand in a warm bowl of water really make them wet the bed?


... We explain like i'm...

Sep 11, 2020

Why are they called chips in England and fries in the US? If they weren't invented in France, where did they come from? What is it about french fries in particular that make them nearly impossible to taste good once reheated in the microwave, unlike a pizza? Is it true that  Thomas Jefferson brought French Fries to the...

Sep 4, 2020

Why does microwaving a mug of water alongside a frozen bread roll, keeps the bread from getting soggy? Why can't we put metal objects in the microwave? Especially since the inside is made of metal, including the metal mesh on the inside of the door! How does a meal that takes 30 minutes to cook in an oven cook in 4 in...