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ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast

Aug 29, 2019

What makes someone a morning person? How do you explain the Circadian clock? If I'm not one, is it possible to become a morning person?


... We explain like i'm five!


Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community, and specifically the following reddit users whose questions and responses formed the basis of this...

Aug 23, 2019

Why does it take 24 hours for muscles to start hurting after a workout? Why not straight away? We explain delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) like I'm 5. And while we're at it, what are muscle knots? How do I get them and get rid of them?


... We explain like i'm five!


Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community,...

Aug 16, 2019

When flights get cancelled because of heavy winds, why is it only a proportion of flights and not 100% that stop? Isn’t it a binary decision of: 'safe' or 'too dangerous'? After weather cancels thousands of flights and lots of people are displaced, how to they all get back on schedule when presumably flights for...

Aug 9, 2019

Did you know that the word Jeans comes from Genoa Italy? Where does the word Denim come from? Is true what that you don't have to wash jeans, just put them in the freezer? Did the CEO of Levi's really say that?


... We explain like i'm five!


Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community, and specifically the...

Aug 2, 2019

What is white noise? What about the other colored noises? What do these noises do the brain? Why do some people use brown noise as a way to focus?


... We explain like i'm five!


Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community, and specifically the following reddit users whose questions and responses formed the basis...